Church Management
Free Infographic Guide: 10 Church Management Statistics You Need To Know in 2021
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This Free Infographic Reveals…..
Learn what church goers think about their experience and how you can make it better for them. In our infographic guide, we give you the stats to help you make the best decisions about your church management system strategy to create a more connected, engaging experience for your congregation
There are many ways to give. Learn which way is the preferred way of giving and learn about the myth about Sunday giving.
Learn about which generation attends bible studies most and their reasons for doing so. Also find out what attendees expect during bible studies. Use these stats to grow your Bible study ministry according to your congregation’s needs.
Does having a children’s ministry affect a person’s church of choice? Learn how a church management system can help you create a safe and organized children’s ministry.
Discover how practicing Christians feel about the weekend service.

Free Infographic Guide: 10 Church Management Statistics You Need To Know in 2021

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- Connection Module: A branded website and app builder so you can expand your reach in your community and connect with your church
members anytime, anywhere.
- Community Module: Church management software so you can coordinate people and events for greater impact.
- Contributions Module: A digital giving suite so your church members can give when it’s convenient for them.
- Content Module: Unlimited media storage so you can organize and publish your sermons, videos, podcasts, and more across a spectrum of platforms.
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