The Love of God
Get Four Weeks of FREE Sermon Outlines and Church Graphics on “The Love of God”
Download this 4-week sermon series outline and graphics package so you have more time for church-building.
Get Four Weeks of FREE Sermon Outlines and Church Graphics on “The Love of God”
Download this 4-week sermon series outline and graphics package so you have more time for church-building.

Why download four weeks of free sermon outlines and church graphics?
We’ve worked with thousands of pastors, and we know this much:
You’ve got a lot on your plate. So let us help. Church Base is all about resourcing hard-working pastors like you.

This free package includes:
- Four weeks of sermon outlines
- PowerPoint/ProPresenter sermon series title graphic
- PowerPoint/ProPresenter sermon title graphic
- PowerPoint/ProPresenter Bible verse/sermon point graphic
- Facebook post background
- Instagram post background
- Background for Facebook/Instagram stories

Feeling fatigued? You’re not alone.
As a pastor, do you feel like you have more to do than ever before? If so, it’s not just you.
90% of pastors say they are frequently fatigued and worn out on a weekly basis, with most working between 55-75 hours/week. Pastors like you face burnout and ongoing health issues due to the pressures of your role. You battle the fear that this level of stress will affect the people in your family and congregation.
At Church Base, we believe you do valuable work. You should be resourced to succeed–in both your ministry and your personal life. Let us take some of that pressure, so you can live less fatigued.

Download Four Weeks Of Free Sermon Outlines And Church Graphics:

Start your completely free, no strings attached account sponsored by ISM trial with Church Base.
Church Base provides free tools to pastors, including a COMPLETELY FREE TRIAL of our all-in-one engagement software suite:
- Connection Module: A branded website and app builder so you can expand your reach in your community and connect with your church
members anytime, anywhere.
- Community Module: Church management software so you can coordinate people and events for greater impact.
- Contributions Module: A digital giving suite so your church members can give when it’s convenient for them.
- Content Module: Unlimited media storage so you can organize and publish your sermons, videos, podcasts, and more across a spectrum of platforms.
Ready to check out your completely free account on Church Base?